Past E-Letters and Articles


It is my intention to regularly send each one of my clients and those that are not yet on their coaching journey with a monthly email offering hope and encouragement. If you are new some of my past notes are archived here.

P.S. I also might drop a few articles or musings outside of the monthly cadence. Check back as often as you see fit.

Jacob Zimmerman Jacob Zimmerman

What Will Next Year Bring?

With 2022 coming to a quick close in the next couple of days, I was originally looking to share a note about how to set great goals, but there are others already doing this – including Ramsey Solutions! Please permit me to summarize the article before sharing something that struck me as much more provocative from another source.

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Jacob Zimmerman Jacob Zimmerman

Force Multipliers

This past month, I once again had the opportunity to participate in something that has become a ritual of the fall – cutting and splitting wood for the winter. The first iteration was at my uncle’s farm. Due to several downed trees from earlier in the year, our work load was lighter than normal. Instead of cutting up our usual 14 cords of wood over the weekend, we only cut up 12! The second iteration was at my mom’s house. Although I cannot quantify the work yet because not all of the split wood is stacked, I spent the better part of Saturday with my older three kids and brother down at the wood pile. All of us earned our sleep!

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Jacob Zimmerman Jacob Zimmerman

Detoured through the Netherlands

Many of you are aware of a significant event that occurred for a group of separatists better than 400 years ago. Alright maybe you are not so clear on the nuance of the history but you are aware of the consequence of their decision.

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Jacob Zimmerman Jacob Zimmerman

The Thrill of Childhood Halloween Memories

Halloween strikes again and there are plenty of people dressed up looking for a scare in my neighborhood! How about yours?

When I was younger, I used to enjoy when this season rolled around. For my dad, brother, and myself the highlight was always going through the local haunted house. Sometimes, the purveyors of horror would shake me to the bones. From Farmer Brown in a ski mask with overalls wielding a chainless chain saw to the dizzying tunnels of rotating lights, I had a very hard time guessing what would be lurking around the corner.

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Jacob Zimmerman Jacob Zimmerman

Bugs on My Windshield

Riding for Reflection

I love to explore the country I live in riding my iron horse – a 1995 Harley-Davidson motorcycle. The exploration or the process of getting lost is just part of the adventure. The droll of the engine provides the perfect opportunity to set back, clear my mind, and ponder all of the different things that are happening in my life. The summer also brings out one pesky thing… BUGS!!!

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Jacob Zimmerman Jacob Zimmerman

Student Loans on Steroids!

President Biden made a significant announcement last week. Considering 43 million American’s have student loans, I’m guessing you either have a loan or know somebody who does. Feel free to pass this information along to them as well.

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Jacob Zimmerman Jacob Zimmerman

Fool Me Once… (Ambush Part 2)

Ambush Part 2

Same story different verse. I arrived home after work on a beautiful Wednesday afternoon. I would have expected at least some of my kids outside. Then out of the corner of my eye, I spotted my son’s face with a sly grin obscured by the clouded privacy glass of the front door. I knew where this was going.

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Jacob Zimmerman Jacob Zimmerman

The Top-Ten Strategies For Dealing With a Dead Horse

The Top-Ten Strategies For Dealing With a Dead Horse

While reading John Maxwell’s Failing Forward, I came across a list of strategies for dealing with a dead horse. Although this might be dark humor for some, it does provide us all with insights on the cycle of insanity when we keep on trying extract something useful out of something else that is no longer providing any value.

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Jacob Zimmerman Jacob Zimmerman



Have I got a story to tell you! Recently, I pulled into the driveway of my home after a longer day at the office. It was a long enough day, that I was surprised to see the window shades to my children’s rooms open – neverminded the fact that it was 4:45 in the afternoon, and they should be open!

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Jacob Zimmerman Jacob Zimmerman

The Lifeline

The Lifeline

I grew up spending many summers of my life on the waters of Lake Michigan…

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