The Thrill of Childhood Halloween Memories

Halloween strikes again and there are plenty of people dressed up looking for a scare in my neighborhood! How about yours?

When I was younger, I used to enjoy when this season rolled around. For my dad, brother, and myself the highlight was always going through the local haunted house. Sometimes, the purveyors of horror would shake me to the bones. From Farmer Brown in a ski mask with overalls wielding a chainless chain saw to the dizzying tunnels of rotating lights, I had a very hard time guessing what would be lurking around the corner. For that matter – come to think of it – my dad was just as involved with making me jump because my focus was so intent on discovering what was in front of me or what would pop out beside me. As any good father would do, my dad also would encourage the actors to sneak in between us without my knowledge! When I did finally make the discovery, I was mortified and crippled by the terror!

Although I cannot pinpoint the exact year, I do remember becoming distinctly aware of my dad’s response to actors who were trying to get the best of him. Usually, he would look each one of them straight in their twisted, mangled, or ghoulish face and respond with a playful grunt. He was not afraid because he knew that nothing would come of the exchange. He beat fear by staring it right in the face! It was in those moments I learned a very valuable lesson – terrifying things can and do happen. The power fear exerts is very real, but it is only as terrifying as you permit it to be.

Freedom From Financial Fears

This should come as no surprise to you that I also think this same mentality plays out with our finances. For some of us, we are living paycheck-to-paycheck, but are blissfully ignoring the reality that the next bill collector is lurking around in your mailbox waiting for you to respond. For others, the student loans are looming large waiting to take a bite out of your income in January. For others still, retirement is lingering in the near future, but you don’t believe you have the retirement funds or the organization to participate in the “American Dream” of relaxing at your leisure.

Questions to Ponder

If you to find yourself in any of these untenable situations, I’d recommend asking yourself the following questions to get started…

  • What is my net monthly income?

  • What are my minimum living expenses – to include food, clothing, shelter, and transportation?

  • To whom do I owe money and am I current?

  • When is the last time I created and stuck to a spending plan?

  • What financial topics do I need to learn to be successful?

  • Who do I know that can help me succeed?

These questions are just the foundation. Answered correctly, these questions provide you with the answers you will need to face your finances with confidence. Conversely, if these questions are ignored, expect to remain discomforted in not experiencing financial freedom.

Sleep easier knowing that you have the tools to let your financial Halloween be an annually event that lives in your memories of the past.

To eliminating the next terrifying financial fear!


Detoured through the Netherlands


Bugs on My Windshield