About Zimmerman’s Lifeline Financial Coaching

Who is Jacob?

Thank you for stopping by and asking such a great question.  My faith and family are my primary motivation for who I am and what I do as a husband, father, and business owner.  I met my bride decades ago in middle school while traveling to Canada for our 7th and 8th grade French class.  Although I didn’t think to much of our interactions at the time, I clearly made an impression because, when she joined me in high school, she and I began to build a relationship that would end with us married in our church a little more than 9 years later in 2010.  Over the next decade, we welcomed 4 blessings into our house – bookend boys and 2 girls.  Family life has managed to amplify both the good and bad of my personal habits, disciplines, and attitudes.  As a result, my bride and I have made it our family mission to extend grace and forgiveness regularly and often.  

I went to college school in to get my bachelors and master’s degree in mechanical engineering. I chose engineering because I tend to be process oriented and I am very curious to understand why things work the way they do.  As a matter of fact, I thought engineering would be a great fit because it can be a black and white discipline.  For every discoverable problem, there is a knowable solution.  The laws of science don’t provide room for grayscale solutions.  I was passionate about engineering for the first 8 years of my post bachelor degreed life until, I realized that my God given passion was not machines but people! 


Although I firmly believe that we are all meant to live in community, I was running from my designed purpose. Running kept me from stepping into my insecurities and fear - the unknown. I like concrete answers.  I like knowing the choices I am making are “correct”.  I don’t like to be wrong!  Yet I also understand everything in the created universe is designed for purpose – including me.  As an engineer, I am acutely aware of the design cycle.  Each radius on a part prevents cracks from forming.  Every fin on a car’s radiator rejects just the right about of heat.  Every mechanism installed within a Rube Goldberg machine must be present to amaze the curious.  Our lives are no different.  I was beginning to realize what Frederick Buechner said about a person’s vocation.

 Neither the hair shirt nor soft berth will do.  The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet. - Buechner

I tried to satisfy the deep hunger that Buechner described with food that is good. Unfortunately, it was not the most nutritious for me - engineering.  As one who is created, I needed to follow the purposes that were ultimately made for me to pursue.  After 10 years working in the world of engineering, I finally learned one of the many purposes of God permitting my dad to pass from this life into the next.  I started Zimmerman’s Lifeline Financial Coaching.

What does death have to do with Zimmerman’s Lifeline Financial Coaching?  

Another great question!  In my case, death has everything to do with Zimmerman’s Lifeline Financial Coaching.  When I was a freshman in high school, my dad lost his battle with cancer.  Among many of the “last conversations” we had together - father to oldest son – I remember the fear that centered around money.  Although my mom and dad came from different Family Schools of Finance, my dad was fundamentally concerned about how his family would thrive in his absence.  On one particular occasion, my dad made a bold statement.  “Don’t rely on your mom for money.  If you need something you have to work hard for it by yourself.”  Looking beyond his fears and regrets, my dad made the statement out of compassion.  My mom was entering into a new season of life with 2 teenagers and one soon to be a teenager.  The last thing she needed to worry about was money!  I am confident that my brother and I gave my mom her fair share of gray hairs without money being the root cause.

That statement, however, was seared into my mind link a rancher branding his cattle.  That statement had consequences.  I vowed that I would follow through and try my hardest not to be a financial burden.  At the time I was in Boy Scouts pursuing the rank of Eagle.  Personal finance was a required merit badge.  I didn’t complete the badge faithfully, but I learned some of the core lessons.  I chose to go to a local college to get my prerequisites out of the way before transferring to the city to complete the engineering program.  I applied for and earned scholarships.  I worked no less than three jobs during the school year all with the aim of getting through without loans.  In the middle of my freshman year, I watched the first couple of lessons of Financial Peace University and built my first budget.  Then I got married and vowed I wouldn’t repeat my mom and dad’s financial conversations.

Debt was part of our new marriage.  I successfully completed school with no student loans.  My bride completed school with approximately $40,000 worth of loans.  Then we bought a house for approximately $70,000.  Another loan for $10,000 and we were feeling the squeeze!  Newly married, I promised my bride those loans were ours and I wouldn’t use them against her for opportunities we would have to miss.  That was a hard promise to keep.  Although I made the promise, my joking comments around them didn’t always produce faithful results – just ask my bride!  Then kids came along.  For those of you who are moms or who know a new mom, the emotions and priorities change with the birth of your first child.  My bride was no exception.  She had a new conflict between working for gainful employment and spending more time with our son.  The crushing debt fast tracked our desire to find financial freedom.  Seven years after we wed, the last debt payment was made, and freedom was found! 

That freedom has produced many great opportunities.  First and most importantly, my bride took opportunity to seek full-time employment with Zimmerman Inc. as a stay-at-home mom raising our children!  We also took our first vacation together.  Providentially, with a little bit of encouragement from my bride, I also faced my fears and started a business to help others find the same freedom – Zimmerman’s Lifeline Financial Coaching.

What Can Zimmerman’s Lifeline Financial Coaching Do for Me?

This is your best question yet.  After all, isn’t that why you are reading this?  The answer is pretty simple.  The mission of Zimmerman’s Lifeline Financial Coaching exists to help you find freedom in your faith your family, and your finances.  How we discover that freedom is completely up to you but fundamentally it is done through conversation, encouragement, and education.  I work with people of all ages and all stages of life from all over the US.  I work with my clients to master the fundamentals of money management.  Often while mastering the fundamentals, my clients bring up other lifelong topics such as charity, investing, insurance, college funding, real estate, relationships and money, and estate planning.  None of these topics are off limits as they are a part of your life long relationship with money.

 Do you feel overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious with the state of your finances?  Do these feelings produce conflict within your relationships?  There is no need to feel embarrassed if these statements are true.  In fact, many of my clients start in the same position, but they chose to take action.  I get it, money is personal.   So personal, many of us view it as our personal score card.  Don’t let that stop you.  Our interactions will be confidential.

It all starts by scheduling your complimentary consultation.  On the day of your consultation, we will meet virtually via zoom.  During your consultation we will discover what you value most and what is holding you back from pursuing what you value.  If you need guide to help you take disciplined action towards your values, we will talk about how coaching can fill that need.  Then we execute the plan together building the habits required for success.

If you are ready to experience change today, click the button below to get started.