The Crushing Weight of Water

The Crushing Weight of Water

Water is absolutely imperative to support life on earth as we know it. It also is a very unique chemical as it becomes less dense as it freezes into ice! Ice is fantastic in the winter as it provides an opportunity to “walk on water” for ice fishing or skating. It is also a tool to keep us – or our drinks – cool as the summer heat beats down. Water in the right form and right physical state, can also be destructive.

This winter has been particularly mild this year. And by mild, I intend to say that we haven’t gotten nearly as much snow as desired for outside play. In one instance, however, we were initially expecting several inches of snow. As the day and time approached for the snow to hit, the forecast changed to ice – up to 0.75 inches of ice! All throughout the night, we heard multiple branches snapping and ice chunks hitting the roof of the house. By the time morning rolled around, the ice had knocked out power to thousands and turned our yard into a giant brush pile, which included one large downed tree.

In the strictest sense, I was not disappointed by the work that was created. I did, however, share the disappointment with kids at the sight of the tree. You see, this was not an ordinary tree that shot straight up into the air. Instead, the tree trunk pushed vertical for the first 10 or so feet, before it curled hard to the west. That offshoot to the west produced the perfect limb to hang a couple of swings, a trapeze, and a thick knotted hemp rope for climbing. My kids’ favorite tree, which provided shade and play, was unable to hold up to the weight. To be fair, I had thought for the past 2 years that the tree was dying because the branches didn’t seem to produce a significant canopy of leaves that I remembered from when my bride and I moved in, so I wasn’t surprised. I was shocked to discover, however, that the trunk was solid down to roots as I cut the tree up over the weekend. Not only was the trunk solid without any rot, it was clearly still a very moist, green tree on the inside.

As I look at that damaged caused by life sustaining water turned to ice, I am reminded that money can have a very similar effect on us. Hear me out for a moment. We may have a perception that we are very strong and healthy with the way we manage our money. But we may have a moment or season of our life, where we make poor choices in the way we manage our resources. Perhaps we haven’t planned well for the next financial emergency right around the corner. When the emergency strikes – such as a job loss or traumatic injury - we use whatever reserve capital we have, which may not be enough. As a result, we seek the support of creditors to “get us through”. Unfortunately, one creditor can turn into two and two into three, and… you get the idea. Before you know it, the weight of working for our creditors brings us to the breaking point, which might manifest itself in spiritual neglect, relational conflict, poor job performance, health deterioration and more. The real question becomes, what will you do when your reach your breaking point – when it seems like all hope is lost and you are not as strong as you once thought.

Nature provides a solution. With the old tree dead and gone, there is now a void. The perfect void to plant a new tree. A new tree that will not be shaded by the leaves of the old tree. A new tree that will have new, liquid water to support its growth. A new tree that in time will provide shade and limbs yet again for a new group of kids!


Questions to Ponder

Although all analogies break down at some point, the tree that went down in my yard due to ice provides an opportunity for you to reflect on your financial health and how well your plan will weather a significant, weighty storm.

  • Are you using credit as a crutch or bridge between your income and lifestyle or emergency? Why?

  • Do you have a plan in place to eliminate the weight of the debt you are carrying? How effective are you in executing the plan?

  • If you are at your breaking point, what has to occur before you ask for help from a trusted friend, coach, or advisor to begin the process of restoring your strength instead of groveling at the feet of your creditors for mercy?

Here is to fortifying your financial strength to weather the storm!


The Raging River


How Long Will This Walk Take?